Doggone Joy

Need an uplift? Not much compares to getting your doggy his favorite toy, and then playing with it with him, or just watching him to go town. To see my boy, Juno, so happy today with his favorite toy, brought me so much joy, I was just beaming with it. (This photo is Juno last […]

Patients Like Me and Helping A Dog in Need

Want to share another sickie’s tool with ya’ll: I guess people can use it to connect with patients who have similar or different symptoms and illnesses, which I actually just began reaching out to other patients there today. But what I think it’s good for is graphing all of your symptoms, your consequent moods, […]

Let’s up the Happy

Yesterday, I was completely irritable and cranky all day. Could it have been because of the medical procedure I had done the day before, that did nothing good, but made me super sick and super exhausted/hard to breathe? Maybe. I call this blog “Handicapped and Happy”, but often, like must human beings, I am not […]

No idea what I’m doing- my first ever blog post

Hey anyone, So, I have no idea what I am doing here on this WordPress thingy, but here I am! I have a LOT of time on my hands, since becoming disabled in the past few years, so I thought this might have the potential to become a new cool hobby…or not. My tagline is […]