Next Step

Taking my next step. That’s all God asks of me. I can’t look ahead into the future: it’s too scary, it’s all unknown, by me anyway. When I’m overwhelmed or completely wiped out to my core, like I am today, I can’t even look at one whole day- it’s too much. And I don’t have to. All I need to do, is take the very next step of whatever is in front of me. Say a prayer. Let my dog out. Email a friend. Write a blog post. Drink some water.

My partner Chris and I use a visual cue to help us out with this practice, that goes something like this: put your hand in front of your face, palm toward your face, and press your hand with your finger, like you’re pressing an imaginary button, while saying “Next!” It helps us “Keep It Simple”, when that’s what we need to do. Great visual reminder for both of us, and we do it to each other as an occasional reminder.

I am so glad that I don’t have to worry about tomorrow, or look far into the future, or even to the rest of this day: all I have is now, and what is right in front of me.

Blessings of love and light to my fellow peace warriors.


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